practitioner course
Advanced Clinical Topics (240 hours)
A clinical internship program of 3 weeks for each topic, on location in India at the SreeKrishna Clinic of Dr. Vijith & Dr. Vidya (Vaikom, Kerala). Topics are based on usefulness for the community and go concurrent with a Medical Camp serving the poor and needy. Minimum of 10 participants required for each topic program.
- Topic 1: Treatment of diseases of bones and joints (120 hours) - (date not yet definite)
- Topic 2: Treatment of skin diseases (120 hours) - (date not yet definite)
- Topic 3: Treatment of neurological diseases/Vata Vyadhi (120 hours) - (January 2013)
Topics are subject to change and new topics will be added as the program develops.
By doing at least 2 topics, you can continue your study track towards the GURUKULA TRACK and the LEARN & SERVE PROGRAM.
- Basic price: € 1600
*) Room & Board not included in above price
click here specific internship info (topics and dates)
Gurukula Clinical Program (120 hours per month)
A personal clinical internship program of a total of 3 months, on location in India at the Sreekrishna Clinic of Dr. Vijith & Dr. Vidya (Vaikom, Kerala). You will study under the direct guidance of Dr. Vijith & Dr. Vidya, partly together with Indian BAMS students/interns. This is a very challenging program, for which a high level of commitment is required. Program preferably lasts 3 months, but a contract and monthly evaluation are implemented to maximize and guarantee commitment and necessary cooperation. Minimum of 3 participants required for each topic program. Contract & evaluation per each month.
- Month 1 (120 hours)
- Month 2 (120 hours)
- Month 3 (120 hours)
By doing the full 3 months, you can continue with the LEARN & SERVE PROGRAM.
- Basic price: € 1200
*) Room & Board not included in above price
Learn & Serve Program (120 hours per month)
A personal clinical work & internship program of a total of 3 months, on location in India at the SreeKrishna Clinic of Dr. Vijith & Dr. Vidya (Vaikom, Kerala). You will study and work under the direct guidance of Dr. Vijith & Dr. Vidya, partly together with Indian BAMS students/interns. This is a very challenging program, for which a high level of commitment is required. Program preferably lasts minimum 3 months, but a contract and monthly evaluation are implemented to maximize and guarantee commitment and necessary cooperation. Minimum of 3 participants required for each topic program. Contract & evaluation per each month.
- Month 1 (120 hours)
- Month 2 (120 hours)
- Month 3 (120 hours)
and longer if agreed.
- Basic price: € 0
*) Only Room & Board
About the AAS

- academy of ayurvedic studies
- Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands
- International Ayurveda training in the Netherlands and in India
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Video Class Retreat : Ashtanga Hridayam till Ch. 15, Theory & Practice
With parallel Medical Camp – topic: Prameha
Intermediate level
3 weeks of theory and practice: an intensive retreat - video classes and practical learning in a unique environment
In Jan 2014 we will offer a unique study opportunity for all of you who want to deepen and speed up your ayurvedic knowledge, practice and understanding based on the teachings of the first 15 – very important – chapters of the Ashtanga Hridayam.
This will be in the form of a 3 week super-intensive retreat with Dr. Vijith, supported by his wife Dr. Vidya, and several assisting teachers to monitor the video class part of the program: Gabriele Karpf, Coen van der Kroon.
This retreat will be about the clinical value of the first 15 chapters of the Ashtanga Hridayam – and is for all who really want to understand how to read the Ashtanga Hridayam in a ‘modern’ and applicable way, how to apply and how to advise its contents, and how to make this valuable information the foundation of your day-to-day clinical practice.
The morning program will be based on a series of 17 video classes on the scientific language of ayurveda, and the first 15 chapters of Ashtanga Hridayam. They will be monitored by Gabriel Karpf and/or Coen van der Kroon, and they will be there as instructors as well in respect to getting deeper into the matter being taught. Afternoons will be spent on the practical application and explanations thereof, referring to the specific topic of each morning program. The afternoon programs will be taught, guided or instructed by Dr. Vijith and his wife Dr. Vidya, either on location – mostly in their clinic Sreekrishna. The afternoon program will be highly interactive. Evenings are for assignments, reading, preparing and leisure.
This intensive retreat is an excellent addition for all who have had a solid basic training in the founding principles of ayurveda, either more practical or theoretical. Though announced as a intermediate retreat – even more advanced students can still always & greatly benefit from this retreat, as it is contains so much deep and multilevel information.
Dr. Vijith and Dr. Vidya are great teachers of authentic ayurveda – and it is our personal experience that when you study with such teachers – your understanding speeds up at least 3-fold. Also – and especially so – on a deeper level! They teach straight from the classic texts, but in a way which is super-accessible as well as modern in its applications. With depth and humor, and supported by a team of very experienced ayurveda experts, as mentioned above.
The Academy of Ayurvedic Studies will offer this program as an optional part of their three-year practitioner training, and this retreat will be accredited with 120 contact hours towards the accreditation of your ayurveda studies (or 60 extra classroom hours on top of your 540 total of the three year practitioner course).
Video Class Retreat : Ashtanga Hridayam till Ch. 15, Theory & Practice
With parallel Medical Camp – topic: Prameha
Intermediate level
3 weeks of theory and practice: an intensive retreat - video classes and practical learning in a unique environment
In Jan 2014 we will offer a unique study opportunity for all of you who want to deepen and speed up your ayurvedic knowledge, practice and understanding based on the teachings of the first 15 – very important – chapters of the Ashtanga Hridayam.
This will be in the form of a 3 week super-intensive retreat with Dr. Vijith, supported by his wife Dr. Vidya, and several assisting teachers to monitor the video class part of the program: Gabriele Karpf, Coen van der Kroon.
This retreat will be about the clinical value of the first 15 chapters of the Ashtanga Hridayam – and is for all who really want to understand how to read the Ashtanga Hridayam in a ‘modern’ and applicable way, how to apply and how to advise its contents, and how to make this valuable information the foundation of your day-to-day clinical practice.
The morning program will be based on a series of 17 video classes on the scientific language of ayurveda, and the first 15 chapters of Ashtanga Hridayam. They will be monitored by Gabriel Karpf and/or Coen van der Kroon, and they will be there as instructors as well in respect to getting deeper into the matter being taught. Afternoons will be spent on the practical application and explanations thereof, referring to the specific topic of each morning program. The afternoon programs will be taught, guided or instructed by Dr. Vijith and his wife Dr. Vidya, either on location – mostly in their clinic Sreekrishna. The afternoon program will be highly interactive. Evenings are for assignments, reading, preparing and leisure.
This intensive retreat is an excellent addition for all who have had a solid basic training in the founding principles of ayurveda, either more practical or theoretical. Though announced as a intermediate retreat – even more advanced students can still always & greatly benefit from this retreat, as it is contains so much deep and multilevel information.
Dr. Vijith and Dr. Vidya are great teachers of authentic ayurveda – and it is our personal experience that when you study with such teachers – your understanding speeds up at least 3-fold. Also – and especially so – on a deeper level! They teach straight from the classic texts, but in a way which is super-accessible as well as modern in its applications. With depth and humor, and supported by a team of very experienced ayurveda experts, as mentioned above.
The Academy of Ayurvedic Studies will offer this program as an optional part of their three-year practitioner training, and this retreat will be accredited with 120 contact hours towards the accreditation of your ayurveda studies (or 60 extra classroom hours on top of your 540 total of the three year practitioner course).
Friday, February 15, 2013
For the french groups
Dr.Vijith et Dr.Vidya sont de grands professeurs d’Ayurveda authentique –et selon notre expérience personnelle, étudier avec de tels enseignants accélère le processus de compréhension d’au moins trois fois ; et permet aussi d’accéder à un niveau supérieur de compréhension, bien plus profond !-Ils enseignent directement depuis les Textes Classiques, mais d’une façon aussi accessible que moderne dans ses applications. Tout cela avec de la profondeur et de l’humour, accompagnés d’une équipe très expérimentée d’experts en Ayurvéda comme nous l’avons déjà mentionné ci-dessus.
Dr.Vijith et Dr.Vidya sont de grands professeurs d’Ayurveda authentique –et selon notre expérience personnelle, étudier avec de tels enseignants accélère le processus de compréhension d’au moins trois fois ; et permet aussi d’accéder à un niveau supérieur de compréhension, bien plus profond !-Ils enseignent directement depuis les Textes Classiques, mais d’une façon aussi accessible que moderne dans ses applications. Tout cela avec de la profondeur et de l’humour, accompagnés d’une équipe très expérimentée d’experts en Ayurvéda comme nous l’avons déjà mentionné ci-dessus.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Graduation day and subsequent group photo
Small group but fine work:
Thank you all for your interest, and up to another and next internship!
Next year january:
Medical Camp on Prameha (diabeter-like conditions), combined with our planned Video Class Retreat; with morning video lectures on the first fifteen chapters of Ashtanga Hridayam and afternoon practicals and demonstrations on all those topics - a steep learning curve guaranteed!
For more info, see:
Thank you all for your interest, and up to another and next internship!
Next year january:
Medical Camp on Prameha (diabeter-like conditions), combined with our planned Video Class Retreat; with morning video lectures on the first fifteen chapters of Ashtanga Hridayam and afternoon practicals and demonstrations on all those topics - a steep learning curve guaranteed!
For more info, see:
Friday, February 1, 2013
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