"Dr. Vijith's clear way of teaching based on the classic text Ashtanga Hridayam gave much depth and inspiration. The retreat in Loenen was also a great success. 3 days with one of the best teachers in the field of Ayurveda in the beautiful countryside in Apeldoorn was a memorable experience for all participants."
Topic in study year 2011-2012: Dvividhopakramaniya - Two Types of Treatment-Nourishing and Depleting
For detailed info on this module, call us at 020 - 8401887
RETREAT - 13 TILL 16 OCTOBER: Svedana techniques & Dinacharya
A unique opportunity for practical experiences with an exceptional ayurvedic doctor!
A special retreat with Dr.. Vijith and his wife Dr. Vidya from Kerala. Learn traditional Kerala treatments such as Abhyanga (massage), dhara (pouring of warm oil) lepana (body wraps) and making Khizhi's (stamps) for massage. Apart from indian herbs we will, where possible, use freshly picked local western herbs for treatments. Furthermore, we follow every day the classical dinacarya routine from the Ashtanga Hridayam. This is a special chance to deepen your own experience of Ayurvedic treatments and learn to apply them directly in your practice.
Schedule (approximate):
06.00: getting up plus individual morning routine such as meditation, nasyam, yoga
10.00: Breakfast - vegetarian ayurvedic
11.00: Practical lessons
15.30: Tea Break
16.00: Practical lessons
19.00: Dinner - vegetarian ayurvedic
arrival: thursday afternoon
departure: sunday evening
price: €450 for seminar only, 30 contact hours
plus €140 for food and lodging at the Maitreya Boeddhist Monastery in Emst near Apeldoorn (3,5 nights á €40)
For whom: students of the AAS or people with interest and sufficient Ayurvedic knowledge (minimum 100 contact hours). Please contact us when in doubt.
Where: Maitreya Boeddhist Monastery in Emst near Apeldoorn
Maximum 14 participants
About the AAS

- academy of ayurvedic studies
- Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands
- International Ayurveda training in the Netherlands and in India
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saptahar - Nutrition
Ayurveda Fan Club Group News | LinkedIn
According to Ayurveda the factors that depends upon food are energy, long life, health, immunity, happiness and prana (life) . The food that we input in this natural engine helps to fire the Jatharagni (digestive fire) as a result output energy is expressed. Here are the thoughts of 7 consideration of food intake according to Vagbhat.
सप्ताहार,(Saptahar) seven consideration for food intake in Ayurveda
Filed Under: Basic Ayurveda by Roshan Baskota — Leave a comment
September 17, 2011
- Swabhav (स्वभाव) (Nature)- Food we take varies in nature. For instance, rain water, Oriza sativa (रक्तचावल and साठी चावल), Phaseolus mungo, meat of Turvix sp. are laghu लघु (light) in nature whereas milk, Saccharum officinale, and Phaseolus radiates are heavy in nature. In this way dravya or any food have varieties of nature like, laghu-guru (light-heavy), snighDha-rukshya (oleaginous-dry), Sheeta-Ushna(Cold-hot) etc, which must be considered while taking a food.
- Samyog (संयोग) (Combination)- Mixing of two or more food is a combination or samyog. The food may not retain the same properties when combined with the other foods. For example although ghee and honey are benifitial for health, it may take away the life if combined in same proportion by weight. So one should always keep in mind the effect of combination of any two foods. Food poisionig is due to wrong combination.
- Sanskar (संस्कार) (Purification)- To get the best result of food that we take purification is essential. Purification of food or any medicinal drugs in Ayurveda is done through the materials and process like water, heating in fire, centrifugation, storage for long time, with aromatic matters and storage. Sanskar is not just purification, but it can also be helpful to change the properties of foods and drugs.
- Matra (मात्रा) (Quantity/Dose) – Quantity or dose (esp. for drugs) is important factor. Good food that we take is beneficial only if we take in proper quantity, else it is going to be toxic.
- Desh (देश) (Region)- Ayurveda has its unique thought in regional food behavior. The food that grow in one region is most beneficial for the living organism living in the same region or area. If the consumer consumes the food grown in the same region it will be most suitable according to Ayurveda.
- Kaal (काल) (Period of Time)- The nature of food and the nature of environment should be matching. Like we don’t want ice-cream in cold winter, similarly our body donot accept the ushna(Hot nature food)(*hot nature food may be cold while touching, hot here refers to internal nature) food in hot summer season and cold in winter. Also Period of time refers that one should not take heavy food before the digestion of earlier food. One must understand is it the right time for me to eat right food?
- Upayog (उपयोग) (Consumption Procedure)- In simple while taking food one must clean hand and be hygienic. However In Ayurveda whole the procedure is described as follows:
a. First take bath
b. Pray the god through Mantra and puja
c. Dedicate to god, agni, earth, water…
d. Get the food only from Elder or teacher.
e. Never have too hot or too cold food.
f. Never intake food that contains flies, hair, nail etc.
g. Always have meal with happy and jolly mind facing East.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Bewustzijn als de basis van Ayurveda
Ayurveda is een gezondheidssysteem dat zich richt op de totale mens en zegt: ware gezondheid is eenheid tussen lichaam, geest en ziel, waarbij de ziel is geworteld in puur bewustzijn. Willen we gezond zijn dan zullen we dus aandacht moeten besteden aan het innerlijk. Binnen de Ayurveda bestaat echter de neiging om bij een behandeling alleen op het fysieke lichaam te concentreren, aldus de Amerikaanse arts Hari Sharma, die in zijn Indiase roots is gedoken en zo in de Ayurveda terechtkwam. Hoe is deze tendens ontstaan? Ik vroeg het aan Coen van der Kroon, docent en leider van de Academy of Ayurvedic Studies in Amsterdam. Hij woonde eind september een conferentie bij in New York
waar Dr. Hari Sharma een lezing hield over dit onderwerp.
Van der Kroon: 'We kunnen hierbij een onderscheid maken tussen moderne en authentieke Ayurveda. De moderne Ayurveda heeft een regulier medische benadering, dat wil zeggen dat er bij ziekte in het boek met medicijnen wordt gekeken en vervolgens wordt er een medicijn voorgeschreven.
De authentieke Ayurveda kijkt naar de oorzaak van de ziekte, gaat hiervoor terug naar de basis, iemands energiestromen en de gedachten die daarachter zitten, en van daaruit wordt
het praktisch gemaakt. Grappig genoeg wordt in India sinds de onafhankelijkheid de moderne Ayurveda toegepast. De
regering heeft daar een groot aandeel in gehad. In India worden studenten tegenwoordig zo snel mogelijk klaargestoomd als Ayurvedisch arts. Terwijl we in het westen
nu veel meer bezig zijn met: waarom zijn we ziek? Wat is de oorzaak? Wat is Ayurveda op dieper niveau?
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OHMnet - Organisatie voor Hindoe Media Ohm-Vani Artikel
Ayurveda Fan Club Group News | LinkedIn
Ayurveda Fan Club Group News | LinkedIn
A good article on the simple principles of Ayurveda to support your health and overall wellness.
A good reading, enjoy it!
Coen van der Kroon
A good article on the simple principles of Ayurveda to support your health and overall wellness.
A good reading, enjoy it!
Coen van der Kroon
Duurzaam ontwikkelen en ondernemen, een wereldkans!: Smakelijk Eten! Hoe voedsel de wereld verandert......
Duurzaam ontwikkelen en ondernemen, een wereldkans!: Smakelijk Eten! Hoe voedsel de wereld verandert......: In maart verschijnt de film 'Smakelijk Eten!' van Walther Grotenhuis. Regie: Walther Grotenhuis Vanaf 3-3-2011 in de bioscoop. Een we...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
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