About the AAS

- academy of ayurvedic studies
- Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands
- International Ayurveda training in the Netherlands and in India
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Een zeer goede actie van de VPRO - lees het artikel en bekijk de uitzending
Hier alvast een voorproefje:

Op een maandagmorgen, eind maart, stond het Mediapark op zijn kop. De VPRO kondigde aan dat zijn restaurant, waar ook personeel van de VARA en NTR gebruik van maakt ‘met onmiddellijke ingang vegetarisch’ zou zijn. ‘Shocktherapie,’ noemde VPRO-directielid Lennart van der Meulen het in het persbericht en een e-mail aan het personeel. ‘Anders krijg je mensen niet om.’ Het was echt geen grap, bleek om 12:00 uur: in plaats van vleeskroketten en bamiballen lagen er linzenpaté en gorgonzola dolce fritata’s in de schappen. De sfeer was aanvankelijk lacherig, al steeg ook gemor op. In het zitgedeelte van de kantine was een debat over vlees aan de gang, waarbij werd gefilmd. Maar wie er die middag bij was, had niet verwacht dat de vleesloze kantine de emoties zo hoog zou doen oplopen. In de uren na bekendmaking doken op internet de eerste reacties op. Niet alleen op de VPRO-site, ook op die van Elsevier en Broadcast Magazine. Vooral de tegenstanders lieten zich niet onbetuigd en verwezen veelvuldig naar ‘Khaddafi’, ‘de democratie die in het gedrang was’, en de arrogante houding van de VPRO: ‘moralistisch babyboom gedoe’.
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Het vlees is zwak
- 24.05.2011
- Clementine van Wijngaarden
En óf het stof deed opwaaien, de vlees- en visloze VPRO-kantine.
Op een maandagmorgen, eind maart, stond het Mediapark op zijn kop. De VPRO kondigde aan dat zijn restaurant, waar ook personeel van de VARA en NTR gebruik van maakt ‘met onmiddellijke ingang vegetarisch’ zou zijn. ‘Shocktherapie,’ noemde VPRO-directielid Lennart van der Meulen het in het persbericht en een e-mail aan het personeel. ‘Anders krijg je mensen niet om.’ Het was echt geen grap, bleek om 12:00 uur: in plaats van vleeskroketten en bamiballen lagen er linzenpaté en gorgonzola dolce fritata’s in de schappen. De sfeer was aanvankelijk lacherig, al steeg ook gemor op. In het zitgedeelte van de kantine was een debat over vlees aan de gang, waarbij werd gefilmd. Maar wie er die middag bij was, had niet verwacht dat de vleesloze kantine de emoties zo hoog zou doen oplopen. In de uren na bekendmaking doken op internet de eerste reacties op. Niet alleen op de VPRO-site, ook op die van Elsevier en Broadcast Magazine. Vooral de tegenstanders lieten zich niet onbetuigd en verwezen veelvuldig naar ‘Khaddafi’, ‘de democratie die in het gedrang was’, en de arrogante houding van de VPRO: ‘moralistisch babyboom gedoe’.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Vedic Society: Mahasomayajña in Nepal
Vedic Society
It is with much delight that on this day we announce our plan to perform a Mahasomayajña in Nepal.
This will be the 2nd in a series of 108 Somayajñas. For anyone having visited Nepal you will see and know it is one of the most beautiful and mystical countries in the world though despite all it's greatness and wonderment, it has suffered greatly with political turmoil and until recently a huge amount of bloodshed and violence.
Despite being the worlds only Vedic (Hindu) country, animal sacrifices in temples are still rife. One of the major visions and for this Somayajña in Nepal is to demonstrate to the people that one can uplift all without any need for causing suffering for another sentient being.
We kindly request all who receive this who wish to participate or be involved in any way to please be in touch so we may involve you in the preparations and planning. We also wish to extend a sincere invitation for all to attend.
It is with much delight that on this day we announce our plan to perform a Mahasomayajña in Nepal.
This will be the 2nd in a series of 108 Somayajñas. For anyone having visited Nepal you will see and know it is one of the most beautiful and mystical countries in the world though despite all it's greatness and wonderment, it has suffered greatly with political turmoil and until recently a huge amount of bloodshed and violence.
Despite being the worlds only Vedic (Hindu) country, animal sacrifices in temples are still rife. One of the major visions and for this Somayajña in Nepal is to demonstrate to the people that one can uplift all without any need for causing suffering for another sentient being.
We kindly request all who receive this who wish to participate or be involved in any way to please be in touch so we may involve you in the preparations and planning. We also wish to extend a sincere invitation for all to attend.
The Quest for Personalised Health - University of Westminster
The Quest for Personalised Health - University of Westminster
The Quest for Personalised Health
Date: 10 June 2011 9.00am - 11 June 2011 5.30pm
Location: 115 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6HX
Jointly organised with Jan van der Greef (University of Leiden) & Bridie Andrews Minehan (Bentley University)
“These days doctors when providing therapy select a couple of medicines, write down a regimen for taking them, hand it over, and that is that. Before the ancients treated patients, they became familiar with the cycles of yin and yang and of time, and with the exhalations of qi from mountain, forest, river, and marsh. They discerned the patient’s age, body weight, social status, style of life, disposition, likes, feelings, and vigor. In accord with what was appropriate to these characteristics, and avoiding what was not, they chose among drugs, moxa, acupuncture, lancing with the stone needle, decoctions, and extracts. They straightened out old habits and manipulated patterns of emotions. Feeling their way, missing no opportunity and constantly adapting, in their reasoning there was not a hair-breadth’s gap. They would go on to regulate the patient’s dress, rationalize his diet, change his living habits, and follow the transformations of his emotions, sometimes treating him according to environmental factors, sometimes according to individual factors.” Shen Kuo 沈括 (12th century)
The Quest for Personalised Health
Date: 10 June 2011 9.00am - 11 June 2011 5.30pm
Location: 115 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6HX
Jointly organised with Jan van der Greef (University of Leiden) & Bridie Andrews Minehan (Bentley University)
“These days doctors when providing therapy select a couple of medicines, write down a regimen for taking them, hand it over, and that is that. Before the ancients treated patients, they became familiar with the cycles of yin and yang and of time, and with the exhalations of qi from mountain, forest, river, and marsh. They discerned the patient’s age, body weight, social status, style of life, disposition, likes, feelings, and vigor. In accord with what was appropriate to these characteristics, and avoiding what was not, they chose among drugs, moxa, acupuncture, lancing with the stone needle, decoctions, and extracts. They straightened out old habits and manipulated patterns of emotions. Feeling their way, missing no opportunity and constantly adapting, in their reasoning there was not a hair-breadth’s gap. They would go on to regulate the patient’s dress, rationalize his diet, change his living habits, and follow the transformations of his emotions, sometimes treating him according to environmental factors, sometimes according to individual factors.” Shen Kuo 沈括 (12th century)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Dr. Lad in July in the Ananda Ashram - please contact the AAS office if you want the PDF sent to you!
We're most happy and honored to be presenting Dr. Vasant Lad at Ananda Ashram again this year for a six day Ayurveda Seminar. For those who are returning, we look forward to seeing you and serving you again, and to those who might be coming for the first time, we welcome you and guarantee that it will be an informative and transformative experience - a spiritual journey of health and renewal.
Attached is a pdf showing the details of the seminar. You can also find the information on the Ashram website at www.anandaashram.org.
We’re also seeking assistance from students of Dr. Lad and friends of Ananda Ashram to help promote this years seminar and to let others know about the benefits of Ayurveda, the brilliant teachings of Dr. Lad and the peace and beauty of Ananda Ashram – a combination that makes this seminar such a unique and transformative experience. We want to have a full house for the six-day program and little bit of help from many friends will make that a reality.
You can help by doing the following:
1. Send this pdf to friends, associates, yoga centers in your area and anyone who might be willing to share it with others.
2. We would also be happy to send you a few printed brochures to put in appropriate places in your neighborhood. Send us your name and address and indicate the number of brochures that should be mailed to you.
3. Tell others about the seminar and send them to the Ashram website.
Thank you very much for any assistance you can offer.
Further suggestions for outreach are most welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you at Ananda Ashram for the seminar and sharing together the presence of Dr. Vasant Lad and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
Om Shantih,
Ma Bhaskarananda
(Ma Bha)
Attached is a pdf showing the details of the seminar. You can also find the information on the Ashram website at www.anandaashram.org.
We’re also seeking assistance from students of Dr. Lad and friends of Ananda Ashram to help promote this years seminar and to let others know about the benefits of Ayurveda, the brilliant teachings of Dr. Lad and the peace and beauty of Ananda Ashram – a combination that makes this seminar such a unique and transformative experience. We want to have a full house for the six-day program and little bit of help from many friends will make that a reality.
You can help by doing the following:
1. Send this pdf to friends, associates, yoga centers in your area and anyone who might be willing to share it with others.
2. We would also be happy to send you a few printed brochures to put in appropriate places in your neighborhood. Send us your name and address and indicate the number of brochures that should be mailed to you.
3. Tell others about the seminar and send them to the Ashram website.
Thank you very much for any assistance you can offer.
Further suggestions for outreach are most welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you at Ananda Ashram for the seminar and sharing together the presence of Dr. Vasant Lad and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
Om Shantih,
Ma Bhaskarananda
(Ma Bha)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Ayurveda en de Vrouw
Tijdens deze lezing bespreken we vrouwenzaken zoals menstruatie, anticonceptie, de overgang, etc. Ayurveda geeft al duizenden jaren richtlijnen voor vrouwen om ten alle tijden in balans te blijven. Deze zullen we tijdens de lezing bespreken en daarnaast krijgt je praktische tips mee naar huis om deze specifieke fasen in het vrouwenleven probleemloos door te komen.
Kijk hier voor meer info en om je aan te melden!
Hoop je volgende week te zien! (als je een vrouw bent J)
Vriendelijke Groeten,
Frederieke Couvee
Multatulilaan 55
1215BH Hilversum
Tel: +31 6 21541317
Kijk hier voor meer info en om je aan te melden!
Hoop je volgende week te zien! (als je een vrouw bent J)
Vriendelijke Groeten,
Frederieke Couvee
Multatulilaan 55
1215BH Hilversum
Tel: +31 6 21541317
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Ayurvedische kookworkshops in het Ganesha Centrum
Data: vrijdag 13, 20 en 27 mei
Locatie: Ganesha Centrum in Alkmaar
Deze workshop is bedoeld voor iedereen die meer wil weten over de basisprincipes van de ayurvedische voedingsleer en deze direct in de praktijk wil brengen. Aansluitend aan theorie wordt er gekookt en gezamenlijk gegeten. Daarna evalueren we de maaltijd. Tijdens de workshop wordt aan elke cursist een syllabus verstrekt.
Docent: Martine van Beusekom
Voor meer info en opgave: www.ganesha-centrum.nl
Locatie: Ganesha Centrum in Alkmaar
Deze workshop is bedoeld voor iedereen die meer wil weten over de basisprincipes van de ayurvedische voedingsleer en deze direct in de praktijk wil brengen. Aansluitend aan theorie wordt er gekookt en gezamenlijk gegeten. Daarna evalueren we de maaltijd. Tijdens de workshop wordt aan elke cursist een syllabus verstrekt.
Docent: Martine van Beusekom
Voor meer info en opgave: www.ganesha-centrum.nl
Meer over de petities - al veel handtekeningen!
Dear friend and supporter of natural medicine,
Thanks to your action, we have already gathered no less than 1 284 269 signatures to our petition against the new European THMPD (Traditionnal Herbal Medicinal Product Directive), and in support of the legislative action being undertaken by the Alliance for Natural Health.
This is a success of historical significance.
Sunday, the 1st of May 2011, at 12 o'clock GMT, we had :
954 145 signatures to our petition in French ;
233 113 to our petition in English ;
97 011 to our petition in German.
Furthermore, the powerful citizen network action group Avaaz, just launched a huge effort similar to ours, calling the European Commission and EU Governments « to amend the THMPD Directive, suspending the draconian measures against herbal medicines and removing all barriers to traditional remedies with a long history of use inside and outside Europe. »
« We have a right to choose among all remedies and medicines that can keep ourselves and our families healthy », say Avaaz members, echoing our call to the European Authorities.
Avaaz has already gathered 469 000 signatures, making it a very significant participant to the movement against the THMPD.
There is no doubt that the size and strength of the movement we have created is going to force the European Union to back down on its outrageous attempt to limit our rights and freedom to choose natural medicine and remedies.
Augustin de Livois and our team in Brussels and Paris are presently taking steps to meet representatives and decision-makers. We will soon be able to announce what kind of concrete changes we managed to reach.
In the meantime, you can keep asking your friends to connect on www.savenaturalhealth.eu to get more signatures.
Thank you very much for your support,
To your good health,
The League for Natural Medicine
Thanks to your action, we have already gathered no less than 1 284 269 signatures to our petition against the new European THMPD (Traditionnal Herbal Medicinal Product Directive), and in support of the legislative action being undertaken by the Alliance for Natural Health.
This is a success of historical significance.
Sunday, the 1st of May 2011, at 12 o'clock GMT, we had :
954 145 signatures to our petition in French ;
233 113 to our petition in English ;
97 011 to our petition in German.
Furthermore, the powerful citizen network action group Avaaz, just launched a huge effort similar to ours, calling the European Commission and EU Governments « to amend the THMPD Directive, suspending the draconian measures against herbal medicines and removing all barriers to traditional remedies with a long history of use inside and outside Europe. »
« We have a right to choose among all remedies and medicines that can keep ourselves and our families healthy », say Avaaz members, echoing our call to the European Authorities.
Avaaz has already gathered 469 000 signatures, making it a very significant participant to the movement against the THMPD.
There is no doubt that the size and strength of the movement we have created is going to force the European Union to back down on its outrageous attempt to limit our rights and freedom to choose natural medicine and remedies.
Augustin de Livois and our team in Brussels and Paris are presently taking steps to meet representatives and decision-makers. We will soon be able to announce what kind of concrete changes we managed to reach.
In the meantime, you can keep asking your friends to connect on www.savenaturalhealth.eu to get more signatures.
Thank you very much for your support,
To your good health,
The League for Natural Medicine
Belangrijk bericht van Benefyt
Beste Mensen,
In bijlage de brief die namens Benefyt is verzonden naar alle Europarlementairen (klik hier). Binnenkort zullen op basis hiervan nieuwe vragen aan de EC worden gesteld (ondermeer door Bart Staes).
Inmiddels is er ook een rechtszaak geïnitialiseerd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk waarin wij de wettelijkheid van een aantal aspecten van deze directieve betwisten.
Hoewel het misschien wel enige moeite kost, is het toch aan te bevelen de bijgesloten brief even door te nemen. Petitie- campagnes kunnen nooit de nuances en de details van een dergelijke ingewikkelde problematiek weergeven..
Dat kan contra-productief werken. Niettemin zijn er méér dan voldoende redenen tot bezorgheid.
De directieve zal zéker onveranderd doorgevoerd worden, dat is “out of the question”. Het is onze taak om op EU en lidstaat niveau aan te tonen dat deze directieve totaal ongeschikt is om traditionele disciplines te herbergen, zoals de Europese Commissie dat trouwens zelf reeds gesuggereerd heeft.
European Benefyt Foundation
In bijlage de brief die namens Benefyt is verzonden naar alle Europarlementairen (klik hier). Binnenkort zullen op basis hiervan nieuwe vragen aan de EC worden gesteld (ondermeer door Bart Staes).
Inmiddels is er ook een rechtszaak geïnitialiseerd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk waarin wij de wettelijkheid van een aantal aspecten van deze directieve betwisten.
Hoewel het misschien wel enige moeite kost, is het toch aan te bevelen de bijgesloten brief even door te nemen. Petitie- campagnes kunnen nooit de nuances en de details van een dergelijke ingewikkelde problematiek weergeven..
Dat kan contra-productief werken. Niettemin zijn er méér dan voldoende redenen tot bezorgheid.
De directieve zal zéker onveranderd doorgevoerd worden, dat is “out of the question”. Het is onze taak om op EU en lidstaat niveau aan te tonen dat deze directieve totaal ongeschikt is om traditionele disciplines te herbergen, zoals de Europese Commissie dat trouwens zelf reeds gesuggereerd heeft.
European Benefyt Foundation
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